Vision, Mission, Instructional Focus and Equity Goal » Vision, Mission, Instructional Focus, Equity Goal

Vision, Mission, Instructional Focus, Equity Goal


All students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners, will demonstrate increased achievement in mathematics and literacy and graduate from Joseph H. Wade Academies, college and career ready.


Provide a safe, nurturing, educational community that develops the whole child through implementation of rigorous, CCLS aligned instruction as well as systems and structures that support the social and emotional needs of adolescents.

Instructional Focus

If teachers provide students with rigorous and inclusive tasks, and students are given the opportunity to collaborate and maintain sustained high-quality interactions, then the students will strengthen their ability to engage in authentic discourse that reflects critical thinking, elevating the level of their speech and their writing.

Equity Goal

Create a learning space guided by the principles of social justice, where culturally and racially diverse students are provided with enriching and empowering learning experiences. Teachers use materials where students can see themselves represented. Teachers build equity by creating lessons to allow for different viewpoints and multiples point of entry, creating the conditions for a classroom where access and participation is inclusive. As a result, of these practices, students feel their cultures, values and experiences are accepted, reflected, and celebrated in their classrooms, and will be willing and able to articulate their thoughts and question each other's thinking in productive ways while fully engaging in a rigorous learning experience.